Sunday, April 22, 2012

week 5

This song always put in that place, that I open my eyes and realize I am going through a lot of changes. Tears of joy, sadness, regret, lost, love, strength, passion, optimistic, faith, compassion, and trust.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

week 3

I have learned a few things about copyrights, fair use, cyber bullying, and netiquette that shock the HELL out of me. I learned that copyright is simple do not be using information that is not your and not giving cited( publisher or author) to who the information belong to.  Stop bootlegging people information, property, music, or others. For those that do not know what bootleggers are those people who burn movies and music cd's and sale them to others for profits. It is simple when it comes to fair use, use it for education or learning purpose only. It could be for personal use to gain knowledge but do not take that information and turn around and sell it. If the resource you using required you pay you pay. Netiquette caught my attention. I earn a lot from the link provider. I t was cool to mention that all of us going down this journal of technology does not know a lot, for insistent me. If you know that person is not the best at what he or she is trying to do with technology, help them out, that is the kind thing to do. Cyber bulling does not sit well with me because I experience the effect of bullying with my daughter. I t takes a toll on your child and as a parent it can make you very hostile with school staff and student. I really like the cyber bulling link because it gave lots of recourse to help parents and children. That link get two thumbs up! I ask that every parents read about bullying so you will know the signs and know how to address the issues if it every happen to child or children. I feel that I learned a lot of information that will be important to me as a parent and educator.

week 2

I feel so dumb right now I am trying to figure out how to comment on a classmate blog and can not figure it out please can someone help me I am loss. I am not good with this technology. I am trying my best, God knows this is hard and confusing.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

week 2

I did not do so well at first with the before mapping, but as I continue to look for activities I recall I save some website with activities and was able to access the information. I did my activates and I was amaze at what I could do with the activity. I went to several website by using the Goggle search engine. I did not like a lot of the website that I click on. Nothing really caught my attention. I knew that if it did not stand out for me it surely will not for the students. I spent about two hours looking and I got really frustration. That when I recall my website I had save and that came in handle.

My after mapping was great. I chose a activity that was great with interaction and kinesthetic. This activity was one that would be very good with disabled students. I loved the fact that I could relate body parts with Geography. That was cool.

As a teacher I would use concept mapping for writing activates that uses technology in the classroom. I would have student to help each other during writing but using supporting collaborative writing with the information or material learn it will give student the opportunity to give each other feedback. According to (Cho, Schunn and Charney, 2006; Schriver, 1990) student to student feedback may be more effective in helping student improve their writing than they EXPECT feedback they may receive from teachers. (Mapping)


Sunday, April 1, 2012

week 1

Hi my name is Liza Conley and I am a 36 year old parent of two young ladies ages 12 and 13 years old. I am a senior at Texas A&M Commerce. My major is Special Education and plan to be complete with my course by Spring of 2013.

My vision with technology in the classroom is to use this this knowledge to relate to my student what currenting happen in our diversity world and how these skills learn will be used on a daily basis. I will be able to teach the students technology and how it is used and more important how it involve in everyone education journal.
My goal is to receive a A but I know that want happen. As long as I get a passing grade of 70 or above, I will be great with it. I hope to learn a lot of wonderful things that will be used with technology. I did today, that was a learning experience. I never used twitter before or a blog.