Sunday, April 8, 2012

week 2

I did not do so well at first with the before mapping, but as I continue to look for activities I recall I save some website with activities and was able to access the information. I did my activates and I was amaze at what I could do with the activity. I went to several website by using the Goggle search engine. I did not like a lot of the website that I click on. Nothing really caught my attention. I knew that if it did not stand out for me it surely will not for the students. I spent about two hours looking and I got really frustration. That when I recall my website I had save and that came in handle.

My after mapping was great. I chose a activity that was great with interaction and kinesthetic. This activity was one that would be very good with disabled students. I loved the fact that I could relate body parts with Geography. That was cool.

As a teacher I would use concept mapping for writing activates that uses technology in the classroom. I would have student to help each other during writing but using supporting collaborative writing with the information or material learn it will give student the opportunity to give each other feedback. According to (Cho, Schunn and Charney, 2006; Schriver, 1990) student to student feedback may be more effective in helping student improve their writing than they EXPECT feedback they may receive from teachers. (Mapping)


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